Authentic divination channeled and interpreted
by experienced and devoted readers

 Tarot  Oracle ◆ Astrology ◆ Channeling ◆ 

◆ Reiki ◆ Cord Cutting ◆ Spiritual Guidance 

Meet the SpiritWays Readers!  It's best to make an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome! 


15 MIN | $33 (Walk-ins only)
30 MIN | $55
45 MIN | $77
60 MIN | $99

30MIN - $66
45MIN - $99
1HOUR -$133

COUPLES 30 MIN | $77
COUPLES 45 MIN | $99
COUPLES 60 MIN | $111

30 MIN | $77
45 MIN | $99
60 MIN | $111

SOUND & REIKI | $111

Lainey has been reading tarot for 4 years and is a Certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher. Her goal is to empower you
(and even your pets!) on your healing journey.

“I believe in creating space for healing to happen, and gently guiding you on your spiritual path. If you need clarity [in love, business, and more] or your energy balanced I’m happy to help!”

Lainey also studies runes, herbalism, is in Yoga Teacher Training, and teaches Astrology in her spare time.

Lainey leads our Magical Events and Classes.

Call the shop at 303-331-1070 to schedule an appointment!



Hello, my name is Melissa and I am a bilingual intuitive that can offer readings in English and in Spanish.

I read using Oracle and Tarot. I work closely with the link of my ancestors and yours to provide assistance. 

I also offer my knowledge in plant medicine as I am continuing my education in the field of clinical herbalism. 

This can be combined with your reading having you leave with a great experience and a unique tea blend

I also offer Plant Healing. It is a practice that dates back to my shamanic ancestors of plant brushing, which is a form of cleansing and restoration using the flowers energetic properties to heal

For more information reach out to me via text or call SpiritWays at 303-331-1070. 

Thank you so much for reading my bio! 

Text Contact Information 720-681-9850 

SpiritWays Denver  3301 E. Colfax Ave

Fridays and Saturdays

Cathy Kromrey

By appointment only

Hello SpiritWays Community!

I will be available to do intuitive energy and healing sessions that incorporate different healing modalities such as Jin Shin Jyutsu, Reiki, and my own healing model. I work with spirit guides and angelic beings, who provide guidance for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual clearing. In conjunction with energy healing, I also work as an intuitive clairvoyant and life coach. Together during a session we can explore relationships, career, family, health or any other concerns that need to be brought to light. During these sessions I look at soul patterns symbolically which may bring up past life patterns. We can also do cord cuttings to help dissolve old patterns that no longer have a personal benefit.

I look forward to our time together. Please call Cathy's phone number to schedule an appointment. If needed, I can do a phone session. I also have a private practice at my home office. If you have any questions you can reach me by text message: 303-726-9262.

In Service to all,

Cathy Kromrey

Bill Mays is an intuitive reader and healer that has been exploring and developing his gifts for over 30 years.  
His readings at SpiritWays include both oracle and soul cards interpreted through a combined connection with you and the universe. 
He studied in the Native American and Peruvian shamanic fields and has always enjoyed helping people find their truths or the answers they need to move forward in life. 

  "Let us work together with spirit to help you 
heal and grow."

To schedule an appointment: 

Please call SpiritWays at 303-331-1070 

or text Bill at 310-961-0074 



David Deutsch is one of our top intuitive readers.  David has been offering professional readings since 2009 and has been with SpiritWays since 2011. 

David channels messages for his clients and has taught himself to refrain from consciously filtering out information he receives for the client. In other words, even if the message doesn't make sense to David, he shares it with the client anyway, as often it makes perfect sense to them. More often than not, David will immediately forget the reading he gives, as the information is streamed from his higher self and guides, and it will not be until he is into his next reading with the same client that the information will resurface in his conscious memory.  He considers his channeling state to be a light trance of sorts. David is extremely connected with the viewpoint of the Law of Attraction, especially the information offered by Abraham channeled by Esther Hicks. David deeply believes in one's feelings and thoughts being factors that attract positive or negative experiences and circumstances and he consistently uses the teachings of law of attraction in his intuitive readings. David uses his own emotional guidance system when making decisions of any kind, "does this choice feel good?" Currently David is using the Connolly Tarot deck, which is closely related to the traditional Rider Waite deck, and the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Oracle deck.

To schedule an appointment:
lease text David at 303-359-9153 and request a reading at SpiritWays. 

Erica Walker Adams is a tarot reader, astrologer, certified holistic life coach, teacher, community organizer, writer and shamanic practitioner descending from a lineage of creative, intuitive women.

From birth, Erica has been connected to the Unseen worlds and has been a life-long explorer of the spiritual; she has travelled extensively, receiving sacred wisdom on her intuitive and initiatory journeys. Her practice is rooted in the Earth and she is a channel for our living, sacred planet

In her readings, she considers both the metaphysical and the practical, exploring the energies in your life and the best way to utilize them. She believes in living mythically, magically, and purposefully. Erica's clairvoyance and connection to the other realms allows her to clearly see your path. She uses the wisdom of tarot and astrology to compassionately guide you towards your destiny.

Additionally, Erica provides on-going mentoring on Tarot, Astrology, and Spiritual Growth

Erica is available by phone and zoom. 

Call the shop to get her contact info.